My sister, my friend
For seven years we have have been almost tied at the hip. We have laughed together, cried together, suffered through nightmares together and now we are about to graduate together.
I’m better for knowing you, Em.
Your sister by choice.
Rubicon Mordushku
I’m not sure what to say that hasn’t already been said, but, you have always been there for me and you mean the world to me because of it. I know whatever challenges I face, I can pull through because I have you! Thank you for being alive and for being you. I hope we continue to make memories and have fun adventures.
-Everlina Kindred
Big Mag
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Watch your back
I’m coming for you
You think you’re tough?
You think you’re strong?
Big Rod’s here to prove
You’re a brainless mong.
Your girl thinks I’m hot
Your friends think I’m cool
I’ll beat you to a pulp
Till you’re covered in drool
Violets are blue
And roses are red
Watch your back hombre
You’re as good as dead
-Big Rod
Oh dear Noma, the air that falls in the leaves that brushes thy face. Sweet petals the linger in the air of you sugary voice. How can a youngling like me splash herself in the entanglement of your affection. Please endure me with your arms wide open of embrace. How can I ask you to court me with you along the brushes of a dinner. While the intense light sparkle in your eyes and we dance to night away. I want to be pour my love in affection in your aroma. Meet me in the Owlery my secrets shall lay a pond you. “Nous nous retrouvons dans notre salle scientifique une fois de plus.”
-La déesse
Aurora Blackwood
I want to spend my time staring into the stars, you’re my calm during the storm. It was never a joke
Blake Hallow
Roses can be blue
And the sky maybe bright
Please stop opening doors
That will definitely hurt my back
Get yourself on whatever you’d like
And be prepared to dance
Because during the next ball
You will be my Valentine…. ???
Jamie Koslarevic
Roses are red,
Lions are strong,
I sort of wish we had been friends,
All along!
I’m very grateful that you consider me a friend and to be able to call you one as well. I hope we get to go on many adventures!
-Everlina Kindred
Marigold Feathersweet
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Master, who?
Master hurt when you fell from heaven.
-Dominik Katzen
Bobby Billings
Bobberson. You are a true friend and you never fail to cheer me or anyone else up. You are a ray of sunshine that brightens the room, and I’m eternally grateful to know you!
-Everlina Kindred
Artie Letsworth
Lions are red,
Eagles are blue,
You don’t know me but I know you.
I didn’t think I had time for boys
But your handsome eyes are my secret joy.
It took all my money to buy you a rose.
Tell a soul and I’ll sock you in the nose!
Någon jag tänker på
Om jag haft ännu en galleon
Och en till chans att stanna kvar
Så finns en flicka här i stan
Som jag tänker på typ varje dag
Hon har mitt hjärta i förvar
Men aldrig ser jag henne mer
Så drick med mig ett sista glas
Godnatt, må Lumos lysa er
Aures Truegarden
You have a piece of my heart,
Always and forevermore.
If ever we were to depart,
We would meet on a familiar shore.
Where two kingdoms meet,
Day and night with stars stretched between,
To touch the sun is to take a leap,
But I’ll give it all of my might,
For a moon must move the earth,
If she is to gaze upon her sun.
(I’m bad at poems but I had to do something for my best friend! I love you forever and always!)
-Everlina Kindred
Lyn O’Connor and Mali McKeenan
Happy Galentine’s Day ladies! I love you guys and I’m glad you’re my best friends!
-Ellie Hemmings
Marigold Feathersweet
To the sweetest badger,
The queen bee,
With the most royal of honey,
And the most pure of being,
You are my rock,
You keep me steady in the storm,
And without you as my friend,
I would be… forlorn. (???)
For real, though, I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for always being there for me.
-Everlina Kindred
une serviette par jour. pour le reste de nos vies.
Caspian Ashworth
Happy Valentines Day Hun!
I Know you love space and Magic, so… Here it goes,
Are you the moon? Because even when it’s dark you still seem to shine.
xo, Siren
Marigold Feathersweet
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thanks for being a good friend. You’re just as sweet as your treat baking.
Nora & The Owl Post
Seeing as Nora keeps sending me copies of the Owl Post, I’ve been keeping up with all that you all do! Thank you for keeping up the hard work and carrying on the Owl Post!
-Persephone Vitrac
Whoever Needs This…
Hey, hey you!
Stop skimming the page right now and read closely. You need to hear this.
You are enough.
You are loved.
You are special.
Tie these words around your heart and hold onto them.
We all need them.
Can you stop being mad? It wasn’t a duck, it was a goose, that’s an entirely different thing.
The Owl Post
I’m ever appreciative of each and every one of you who helps to carry on the legacy! All my love
-Saffron Macauley