Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away… and going away means forgetting
– Peter Pan
Which is why instead of au revoir we say a bientot to our Head Girl and Founder of the Owl Post
Thanks for almost making me single with your snog bingo. Your laugh will be missed the most, that and the way you constantly invite yourself to breakfast at any table
- H. Baskerville
I’ve always looked up to you, Cass. Thanks for helping me out with my writing and making me feel like a real part of Hogwarts. I’ll miss you
- V
Cassandra Middles. Remember: if you are going to jump… try climbing a little higher
- Dottinous Foul
I really appreciated you charming my homework for COMC class that time and that I will miss you and hope you come back to visit at least.
- Jayden Lukas
If you marry Zero. I’ll curse you. You have been warned!!!!!!!!
- Geri Mars
I’ll be sure to mail you many strawberries! You’re a wonderful person and I look up to you! Remember that imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
- Marzia deNotte
Remember that time we were sat in the dueling classroom? Or even our many duels. Maybe we can go on the road as a traveling duel? I dunno. Thanks for colouring my hair pink Middles. You’re not so bad.
- Jade Troll
My favourite memory of Cassie is being constantly encouraged to keep trying at something no matter how many times I fail.
- Essa Nazari
If it weren’t for Cassie and Saff I don’t think I ever would have had the courage to try going out for the Owl Post. I also remember a few weeks ago walking into the clocktower from Herbology and seeing Z and Cassie dancing silly, Caleb and I laughed so hard with them and joined in. it was so much fun..never a dull moment with those two (Z and Cassie)
- Chloe McCole
Cassie’s looked out for me ever since the beginning of the school year, making sure the older students didn’t pick on me too much, helping me with my charms work and potions even though we’re not in the same house, and no one throws an after-Quidditch party like her. I’ll really miss her, Hogwarts won’t be the same without her.
- Eric Hyland
I can say with some certainty that Cassandra’s contributions to the classroom were memorable experiences. I’m sure I shall look at her regular perch on the Astronomy Tower sill and see hers, Upton’s and Miss Rookswood’s names etched in..
- Professor Priaulx
Even if she didn’t always pay attention in class, she at least didn’t disrupt it
- Professor Venom
You were the welcome wagon when I met you at a fire by the lake in my third year, always friendly and miss party girl bringing many together. Cassie was the one who got me into joining Owl Post in my 3rd year. She approached me when she saw me and my lonely self holding a big notebook keeping notes to myself watching students filling it with notes and said I would be perfect to join her being the first one to sign onto Owl Post with her starting it. We got expelled together for an article and then unexpelled. This year when we were running on the field, she showed me how to twerk and run at the same time utilizing every muscle we had. Too bad we didn’t start making milkshakes on the field too. Our milk shakes would of brought all the boys to the pitch. Going to miss you Cass, keep writing your novels, I will read them all!. You have kept one secret of mine for two years, and I know you will keep the second for years to come. <3
- Aryiana Novelli
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude and appreciation of the work you have done both on a personal level and as our Head Girl this year. You’ve always been there to lead by example and your loyalty to the school has been an inspiration to us all in dire times. Saying goodbye is never easy -it is even more difficult with someone like you who has been such a vital part of our team of prefects and of your school community as a whole – and I wish you all the best as you enter into a new phase of your life. Although I am sorry to see you go, I hope you enjoy your newfound freedom from rigorous timetables and I hope you have fun taking on the adult wizarding world. I know you will win!
- Jesse Elman
I will miss your bright smiling face in my greenhouses, you made class entertaining.
- DracheBlume
Happy birthday Cath… Cass… whoever you is.
- Delphine Chauveau
Cassie, you took me in when I didn’t know my way. The castle won’t be the same without your strawberry scent lingering in the halls. Love you forever
- Aria Kenden
I wish you all the best Cassie and hope that you find a happy future. You can accomplish anything and this school will surely miss their favorite head girl!
- Claudia Rosier
Middles i will say this once i appreciate your leniency towards me when even i admit i have been so foul.. I highly doubt the next head boy or girl will understand or have such good a heart take care and enjoy life outside of school.
- Kamila Bullstrod
Cassie, it’s been great. I can honestly say you were a constant my entire career life so far. I think what I’ll remember most is your kindness towards me when others were being less than so. I’ll continue on your Brown Hair cause. Thank you for all the encouragement. And I’ll make sure to put more effort in at the post. It’ll be like you’re still here. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the world. You’ve shown you’ve got the duck.. I mean pluck. Anyways. You’re the best.
- Selenity Rose Celeste Maeve Belmont Wishing you an Amazing Summer.
I will miss Cassie a lot and I wish she still had a few years here at school. She has always been protective of me, making sure that mean snake Kamila wasn’t bulling me. I don’t know what I’ll do next year but all the same I wish Cassie the best, at whatever she does.
- Hope Elizabeth Downly
The things at Hogwarts will continue and go on,
But there will be a hole from the missing of one.
You made such an impact, being a friend to all,
It won’t be the same when we return next fall.
You were so inclusive, even to those fa were wee,
You are such a shining light, I hiner others will see.
I’m sure they will, coz you have so many friends,
It’s adoration well earned, so well wishes I send.
I will try to check on you in the coming years,
Hope you remain not a stranger to us younger years.
- Jesma Elise Muireal Pearl