Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
A lion prefect was casting at the Sorceress’s Award, Was she trying to break it?
A first year got a write up for “conspiracy to commit /sass/”. I swear the prefects are just making rules up as they go along.
The only reason Octavia will not try to kill someone is because then she would just go to Azkaban to sit next to Bobbie. And I do not think she wants to do that.
Azkhaban is like Vikander’s class all day and all night, except you do not have a wand and you can not do anything.
A 1st year is planning on giving Tavia turbo farts.
RHI that the badgers did blackmail the house elf to serve only gruel, to get their chocolate and cookie black-market business more up!!!
Rumour is that a certain lions ginger head is spreading lies about a certain wand, tsk tsk tsk…
During the gala that sad boy and the stink sap bandit looked real close. I wonder if they’re going to date
Rumour has it the real reason the school is acting stranger this year, is the lack of respect from students. Mostly the younger ones!
DID YOU SEE THAT BADGER KISS THAT SLYTHERIN AT THE DANCE! Don’t they have a boyfriend already?
Julia; Bod’s secret is their real name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and what do you know that’s my name too
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!