I’m going to start this off saying these were all done in the great hall during dinner with plenty of witnesses. Don’t shoot the messenger and all that. I did Caitlin Spector and Bobby Billings while they were sitting next to each other. Siren Resling had to go and tutor some younger years and couldn’t stay long enough, so it was decided to do it later. All three are in their 6th year at Hogwarts and were prefects last year as well. Quinn Lowry is in 7th year, and I did his interview at breakfast.
I asked Bobby about what it’s like being a prefect and he responded with, “What’s it like being a prefect; well, it’s alright. The Prefect Baths are /the best/ place in the castle, and the responsibility is decent, you know?” As far as favourite classes, “I like Potions. Professor Green’s well fit. DADA’s always thrilling.” The topic of spells practice came up while talking and he said, “Oh mate, you don’t want /me/ to train anyone. I’m a terrible role model.”
I asked about how to find him around the castle and he said, “Tell them to find the really fit Hufflepuff boy. Or the really fit Hufflepuff Boy who looks like a Girl. Simple.” I then asked WHERE to find him and his favourite places at school for others to check out, “Well I’d say the Prefect Bathrooms but obviously Firsties can’t check those out. I like the Boathouse and the courtyard outside the Great Hall to practice my guitar and singing. I also go to the island where Dumbledore’s Grave is. There’s a little campfire there, I like to practice there too. Otherwise, you can just find me about, you know?” Outside of class he enjoys, “I dunno, flirting, playing guitar, singing, working out, lifting weights, snogging. The usual stuff you know?” His favourite foods are, “Six Citrus Gum. Goes from Lime to Lemon to Grapefruit to Orange to Tangerine to Clementine. That /or/ Singapore Noodles and Sweet and Sour Chicken.”
This is his advice for new students as well as students in general, “Oh yeah I got tonnes of advice. But most importantly, have fun? Hogwarts is amazing, and you know what, you /only/ get Seven Years of it. Life’s too short to be sat there panicking about stuff like House Points and extra credit and all that stuff. Do what you can but don’t overwork yourself. Focus on making friends and having fun and doing good in your studies and you’ll love it here. And also, be kind, and be adventurous. Life’s too short to never take risks.”
When asked about what it was like to get a letter naming her as prefect, Caitlin said, “By my fourth year here I felt really settled in. I had good friends and did well in my classes. Receiving the letter saying I got prefect was a little exciting and kinda…….” there was a pause, “It’s like a push down a different path. One I didn’t really know anything about, or not much anyway. This is my second year and sometimes I still can’t believe that I was selected and a friend of mine wasn’t.” I also asked her about what it’s like and she responded with, “Uncertain about my ability to handle everything we as prefects are responsible for. Like I didn’t know if I could handle it. I absolutely hate the idea of giving detentions. And even more actually doing it.” As far as favourite classes she agreed a bit with Bobby, “Thrilling yes. Challenging. Vik likes to stretch us.” then focuses on her answer “Proff Ari has always been my favourite professor.” she sighs “For all five years my favourite class was been Magical Theory. I have no idea what it will be now. Hopefully the new professor’s class will be interesting.”
Caitlin’s response to favourite places to check out was, “Well one of my favourite spots is the bridge from the top of the long gallery that leads to the other building and another place would be visiting the horses. I took care of them some. Mayip likes a good scritch. I don’t really have a place inside the castle I enjoy now.” When asked what she enjoys outside of class she said, “Last year I kinda got drafted to play quidditch. It wasn’t Talula’s idea, but someone else’s. I struggled, seriously struggled. Right before our game with Slytherin, I realised I really loved the game. So when I’m not in class and not hanging out or doing other stuff, I might be found practicing. I also like to walk around the grounds and to the village. Especially in the autumn when leaves are crunching under my feet. Oh and sitting around a campfire roasting frankfurters and marshmallows with friends.” On the topic of food for Caitlin, “I miss a really good shepherd’s pie. But fresh, like really fresh pineapple.”
Her advice to new students and students in general is, “Try to learn everything you can to prepare for what surprises good and not so good you’ll have beyond these walls. Live as though what you do matters, because it does whether you are a cabinet maker or a professor. It doesn’t matter what we do but how we do it. Do it with heart and passion.”
I asked Siren about getting her letter and what it was like being a prefect and got this response. “Being a prefect can be challenging, but it’s nice to help out. I like helping out and being able to watch over the younger years. Some things I don’t like is when people give grief.” she chuckles. “Uhm When I got the letter I was so excited, I was jumping up and down and my Mum was proud as she never got the chance to be a prefect. A year later, it’s still nice and important to me.” On the topic of classes, “My favourite classes are Astronomy and Magical theory.. Even though I’m not the best at both.” she admits. “My favourite professor just retired actually, Reutor.. But I guess second fav would be our HOH.”
Her response to favourite places in the castle to check out was, “I think probably the kitchens or the fireplace by the lake.” She smiles. “Peaceful places.” As for outside of class she said, “Uhm I like hanging out with my friends and cousin and flying with my owl tigger. I enjoy meditation and working with charms as well.” Favourite foods for Siren are, “Anything sweet. I kinda have a sweet tooth. I carry cakes on my person all the time. And chocolate frogs..”
Her advice to new students and students in general is, “Uhm, Just try and listen to your prefects, we’re here to keep you safe, not be a buzzkill.”
I asked Quinn about getting his letter, he said “I was really proud when I got my letter as were my maternal grandparents, my mum didn’t really care either way, she is too scatterbrain for the role herself and does not understand why anyone would apply for it. My father was proud too even though he’s a Muggle. Apparently, they have prefects and head-boys and girls in Muggle schools too. His response to what it’s like to be a prefect, “Well, it’s mixed really. It’s got some perks like the Prefects bathroom but also comes with a lot of responsibilities and duties. You also can’t really let yourself go wild or do mad things like you could before because you’re expected to set an example to the rest of your House and also the school.” When asked for favorite classes he said, “I don’t think I have a favourite class really although I do like charms and transfiguration. I don’t have any favourite professors. I do like some less than others but I am not going to tell you who.”
I asked his favourite places in the castle and he said, “Again, I don’t particularly have a favourite place in the castle. I like the Charms and History of Magic classrooms and I also like the bridges and standing by the lake outside Dracheblume’s hut. It brings back memories of the Triwizard tournament and my Durmstrang and Beaubatons friends.” As for outside of classes, “Quidditch, I like Quidditch and wish I was better at flying so I could try out for the other positions. The only one I seem to be good at is Keeper but I don’t even know if I’ll have the time for that this year. NEWTs, you know and the pressure is already fierce even though we’re only in October. I also love it when we get to swim in the lake in the summer and I love messing around in the snow here in the winter. I liked the art lessons too even though I am not good at art. I like mixing the different colours but cannot draw to save my life unfortunately. I like going for walks too.” His response to favorite foods was, “As much as I can eat but I love Sunday lunch especially when it’s chicken and roast potatoes with gravy. Favourite drink is Butterbeer. Favourite sweets are Exploding Bon Bons.”
His advice for new students as well as students in general. “Advice for new students is not to hesitate to ask for help if and when you need it. That goes for all students actually along with this: ‘you will get a lot out of your time at Hogwarts. Make sure that you give a lot back!’
Willow Barton
5th Year Hufflepuff