by Kitten Delacruz
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Oooh, fashion!
This first week of October has had so many fashionable references. It was at the first Sunday lunch that we were given a reminder from Melisande Flutterby. And, I quote, “…we as a whole represent Hogwarts to the outside Magical World and part of that world is coming right here to stay for a while. Not only students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons but also the press. And I don’t know about you but I want us to look fabulous to them and in pictures in the news as well of course. That makes it double and triple important that you follow the rules and that includes the dress code.”
Do as I say and not as I do. I might be one to try and sneak a few fashionable additives in here and there. But, we are having visitors soon! Let’s be on our best behaviour. Shall we? This is a great time to make sure that all of our uniforms are in good repair. No more missing buttons or torn seams. Don’t forget to check your socks for holes too! We’ll all be darning darlings together! I’m quite certain that Homemaking Magic class could give us a few tips on that. Another thing to keep in mind is that during our casual hours we will want to look our best too. So, it is a really good idea to refresh your memory about what’s what on the dress code tip! It’s easy to make a mistake if you haven’t read it through in a while or if you take advice from someone without checking up on it for yourself.
Now, onto something brilliant! A fashion show! The Hogwarts Fashion Show was a fun event that included all four houses. They each picked three students to represent one of the three different categories of clothing. The categories were Uniform, Casual and Formal. That’s right, twelve models in all!
Let’s not forget about Pumpkin Carving, Halloween Feast and the Halloween Bash. We will have ample opportunity to Dress to Impress this month! Wear to Scare? I’ve heard many talking about costumes and dressing up for the different events. Get it together with your friends, enemies and frenemies and make a fashion plan. If you get stuck for advice, all you have to do is ask around. We have so many fashionistas here at Hogwarts!
On a side note: We are all looking forward to the new arrivals on the 17th. This fashion show sounds like just the ticket to get us all looking good! That’s it from the Fashion Bug. That’s me! Once a month, we’ll be here to talk about fashion, make up and/or the art of putting it all together. Next month: November and chilly weather!