Care of Magical Creatures (All Years)
Professor Bane (JettBane Resident)
CoMC Ongoing Homework Form (Due on or before Dec 20) We cover 9 creatures this term. You may submit an assignment once per creature. (( ))
Potions (All Years)
Professor Rask (Valent1ne Apogee)
Brew one of the potions for which there are ingredients outside the lab. ((Hold on to your potions until next class, you may turn in your RP notecard at any time for homework credit. Only your RP is needed for credit))
Transfiguration (Years 1-4)
Professor Banks (JoannahRose Resident)
read chapter three in the textbook ( and prepare for a quiz over the material there in
Xylomancy (All Years)
Professor Derringer (ThermosRoot Resident)
Find a spot to meditate for an hour. Clear your mind of all temporal concerns and worries and let yourself be in the moment. Try to feel the ambient energy around us and let yourself be one with nature. Make sure you are in a safe location before beginning! Stay warm and know your limits. ((Send a NC to ‘Love You Always (thermosroot)’ of your logs.))
Extra Credit (max twice a week)
Professor Juliette Moore (Honey Vanilla)
Create a Decorative Cover for your New Sketchbook (Provided to you in class, Still in classroom)
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Professor Blythe (Kinda Mysterious)
Curious curses and their counters
Ghoul Studies
Professor Esper (Ghost Riler)
Take a moment to research what a death day party is and submit two parchments (paragraphs) on your findings.
Professor Riley (AriannavonDracheBlume Resident)
Acquire a potato, cut it up into its eyes and care for it while it grows into many potatoes. Document your process and how well it works over the next few months. Can turn in rp and hud rolls log of caring for your potato twice a week for skill points Please IM arAriannavonDracheBlum for more info