Homework Excuses
These all have various degrees of success. The Owl Post is not held accountable if any of these excuses are used.
“I think my favourite was a dragon ate them.” Someone might pay you if you tried to tell Professor Eastwood that one….
“I had to borrow my friend’s book to do the reading. My homework is done, but it’s in their book that I returned to them. I won’t see them again till next week.”
“I turned it in, did you lose my homework?”
“It’s here! I swear! I just accidentally used invisible ink”
“I unwittingly wrote it on flash paper and when I turned it in I got too close to the candle”
“I lent it to [insert a foreign student here] so they could see what we were doing”
“I had to blow my nose and ran out of tissue.. You can still have it, if you really want it…”
“I had to get an autograph from [insert name of famous witch/wizard] in Hogsmeade and it was all I had”
“I didn’t realize Remy the thestral was behind me cause I can’t see them and he stepped on it.”
“I handed it into the wrong professor”
“I tried to pack it into a snowball to give it an extra punch!”
“I thought it was one of those magical paper airplanes so I folded it up and sent it back to you. Are you sure you didn’t get it”
“I tried to use it as a kite”
“Tom Morgan turned it into a paper broomstick and threw it out the window. It had good flight though, credit where credit’s due”
“We had homework?”
“I got too close to Edna and she snatched it from my backpack”
“A bird animagus used it to build a nest.”
“It got mailed home on accident I can get it in by [insert the amount of time to get it done]”
“I had to transfigure it into toilet paper.”
“Transfiguration class didn’t go as planned…”
“A veela set it on fire when I broke up with her.”
“I wrote it with ink so shiny a niffler took off with it.”
“A werewolf ate it. It was the full moon.”
“””Accidentally” spilled gravy on it.”
“It got lost in a vanishing cupboard, who knows where it ended up”
“Potted it by mistake in Herbology.”
“The stars told me not to.”
“My Pygmy Puff ate it.”
-Aiden Knight