Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
You can tell if Professor Reuter likes you depending on whether he calls you by French or German pronouns. But which means which?
My uncle in the Ministry says that The Triwizard Tournament is just some political trick. Is that why everything’s got so expensive?
The DADA professors “differences” go way beyond teaching methods. I sense drama.
Two Badgers were taking a sentimental journey around the black lake. Until one of them got a big slap.
Two professors meeting in the Astronomy tower after midnight? They could’ve at least been more discreet about their relationship. There were still students leaving the tower!
RHI that the scaredy lion got a tail after DADA on Friday.
Rumour has it that a Lion Prefect is targeting poor innocent Slytherins because he is jealous that Slytherin is in the lead for House points.
I’ve heard Vondervogelwhateverhername is back.. Someone told a friend of a friend that she left because she was related to the Hag, or was it because she was wanted by the Ministry for teaching her students dark arts..? Surely that’s why she isn’t allowed to teach anymore!? If I were you, I would keep myself away from the library…
I hear the ginger hufflepuff is planning to take one of the pumpkins to the yule ball this winter
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!