by Essa Nazari
On Sunday, February 9, 2027, after the speech of the Headmistress, the peaceful conversations of students and staff alike was shattered as a freak storm rolled across the Highlands. A flash of lightning followed by a crash of thunder as winds whipped through the castle, extinguishing the lights throughout the building hinting that something was not right. The sound of a loud growl soon filled the air and with the thanks of prefects casting lumos solem to provide a little bit of light, the maker of the sound was soon identified.
A forest troll.
While, we do not know how or why the troll got into the castle, it was through the quick actions of professors and prefects alike that no one was seriously injured and the troll was quickly stunned and then taken off of the school grounds so that the ministry could come and collect it for everyone’s safety.
Theories (or should they be rumours) are growing that perhaps the troll was brought into the castle by someone within our home. Though, that begs to question how with the Fox Shield ™ protecting the castle. Things are afoot according to my sources, but no one is really sure what.