As we grow closer to the end of the year, I decided to sit down with our head Girl and Boy to get their thoughts on how this year went for them. We all know it started more rocky than Hadrian’s Wall. I got their thoughts on that, this year, and there plans for the future. I didn’t manage to catch them both at once so I asked the same questions to each at separate times.
I felt it best to start at the, start of the year with the questions so to both of them this was asked “We all know that your selection was rather controversial.. Have you felt that affected your ability to be Head student any? Especially at the start of the year?”
Kamilia – “ good question.. in regards.. to well how there was a lot of disapproval off the student body in regards to this.. i do take it was rather a shock move.. but if Headmaster Fox thought giving us a try was ideal then it is his.. decision but yes.. it did affect myself at the start.. due ” Kamila paused “people really wanting Adam and I to hand in our badges or.. mass protest..”
“Did you have anyone refuse to listen to you?”
“yes at the start quite a few students..refused to listen.. i shall not name names.. as i do not want to go out on a bad term naming people.. but a few did.. or simply screamed in my face.. , some.. made it double as hard to try focus.. a few times.. i was finding myself after having to run to the closest toilet to be ill.. that’s how much it was taking its toll on me..”
Adam – “”Well, I fink there was qui’e a few people tha’ were per’aps against lis’enin’ to someone ‘o, before, wouldn’ listen to anyone themselves – especially ovher prefects. There were a few teefhin’ issues bu’ I was determined, ‘n’ I just did me best.”
The next question was a follow up to the first one, the true answser only Fox knows. Though many wish they knew. “Why do you think Fox gave you a chance after your, prior history?”
Kamila – “to be honest.. i haven’t the faintest clue.. the only reason i can really think of.. is my changed attitude because of my.. interaction with my baby doll Hanz..” Kamila explained “personally that.. must be the reason , because there is nothing else.. i can think of that can give Fox a reasoning to give my self head girl..”
Adam – “Well, I fink Fox must’ve seen tha’ I’d been tryin’ to change towards the end of last year so i’ was a sor’a, make or break momen’, y’know? Like a test. I could’ve eivher carried on the way I was ‘n’ prove everyone righ’, or I could go on ‘n’ do a pre’y decen’ job.”
The next question was if they felt Being a Head student Changed them any, and did it help prepare them for life after Hogwarts..
Kamila – “: yes it it has, it has changed me for the better for work and life to come “
“Did it Help you prepare for life after hogwarts?”
“in ways it has.. preparing me to deal with all sorts of situations but mainly different people with different personalities and backgrounds”
Adam -“I fink i’ gave me a be’er sense of du’y ‘n’ showed me the impor’ance of inclusiveness. Turnin’ away from everyone ‘n’ blamin’ ovhers, i’ ain’ healfhy. Le’in’ people in ain’ so bad, y’know wha’ I mean? I feel like I can trust people ‘n’ work wivh ovhers a lo’ be’er now. I ain’ as shu’ away as tha’ me tha’ came ou’ the wardrobe.” He made a funny face and cleared his throat. “The boggar’ I mean, no’ a me’aphor.”
“Do you think your experience as head boy has helped you prepare for life after Hogwarts any?”
“Eeh, I guess? I’s no’ go’ much to do wivh wha’ I wanna do bu’ I guess i’s ‘elped me grow up enough to be ready for life after Hogwar’s.”
After that I asked them about their plans for after Gradation and great things will be coming from these two! They have excting plans. So look out for them.
Kamilia – “well.. I’ve applied and successfully accepting Madam Malkins offer of being a junior under her reign i will be creating robes , dresses and other clothes.. ”
Kamila explained “with being head girl.. helped with responsibility.. speaking to people I would have never spoken to before.. without knowing of their family background ”
Kamila went on “understanding how to be actually polite and not rude when looking at someone.. and being welcoming.. “
Adam – “Alrigh’ so last summer, Lia, my wonderful fiance, she showed me a bunch of these muggle devices righ’? So I’ve been wan’in’ to develop wizardin’ versions. I’ve ‘ad a few ideas, bu’ one of ’em was really developed by all the stuff goin’ on wivh Lovelace. Wha’ I wanna do is make this inhaler, righ’, tha’ holds li’e, four potions tha’ll help you if you’re in danger, like wi’-sharpenin’, strengfhenin’, an’ the idea is you’ll take a quick inhale from my device, an’ you’ll ge’ a shor’ burst of those potions all a’ once, like a comba’ booster sor’a fing. The potions won’ last very long, given you’re inhalin’ ’em, bu’ i’s go’a be be’er than carryin’ around four separa’e vials. ‘Cause obviously extension charms are illegal.” He cleared his throat. “So in shor’, I wanna be like Ber’ie Bo’ bu’ no’ for swee’s. , I’m hopin’ to ge’ i’ goin’ as soon as I can. I’s mean’ studyin’ a bi’ ‘arder, makin’ sure me potions ‘n’ ‘erbs are stronger, bu’ I’m exci’ed to work on i’. I fink i’ could be a hi’ wivh Aurors an’ all tha’.”
Lastly they were asked for any parting words to the students at the school they are leaving behind.
Kamilia – all I can say is.. never judge others by their blood.. even if you are pressured into at a young age.. you never know if that person may save you from danger.. or be there when you are at you’re lowest.. keep a look out for each other even if you don’t see eye to eye.. and make sure as a school you can counter anything dark force or nightmarish beast that tries to destroy the school.. because.. when you hit 7th year.. time goes by very quickly and very soon you are out of the door and into the real world.. ”
Adam – “”I’ve ‘ad a grea’ time ‘ere, an’ tha’s down to everyone ‘ere. Everyone’s gonna be amazin’ in some way, an’ I fink Hogwar’s is gonna see some big change over the next few years – for the be’er. I fink we’ve been breakin’ down the ‘ouse boundaries bi’ by bi’ an’ I’m exci’ed to see wha’ ‘appens next.”
And there you have it, the last words to us all from two people who are proof that all it takes is a little support and trust and you can turn anyone around. They showed everyone, including themselves, that they could rise above their past and become a pair of amazing people. You will be missed about these halls!