by Essa Nazari and Jane Bloxam
The poster wars continue on after a few weeks of slacking off. After the last round of posters finishing with the most self explanatory poster that “hate stinks.” We at the Owl Post had believe that the posters had came to an end. However, this week we, the students of the castle, were proven wrong.
It started with a series of posters that were hung reminding the castle that we are one school despite the four houses that divide us we are still one body of students who have to live and cooperate with each other on a daily basis. The same evening, another poster was hung, reminding us that peace and love makes the world go around. Perhaps, it is an encouragement for the older students to find our unity ties once again and remember how not even two years ago, Hogwarts banned together as a single school against a common enemy.
After the two posters appeared urging the castle to remember that we are, as one, Hogwarts students, other posters began to appear. The first of them shown some dark silhouettes of wolves while asking for people to stop fearing the students who are cursed with lycanthrope and stop to listen and hopefully understand that they are more than beasts. This was coupled with a poster that simple read, Werewolves have rights. It was the calm before the storm.
Several small posters also have showed up around the castle showing each phase of the moon in a circle with the text, A New Moon Shall Rise with a red cross through the full moon. Implying that are against werewolves. It is rather ironic, however, that a group that is so anti-werewolf, chooses the new moon as their symbol, when, even in the new moon, the moon is still, in all her glory, just visible in the daylight.
Probably the most disturbing finds we found in the castle was not found upon the walls of the castle. But rather, on the floor in select places. A rag doll, covered in spaghetti sauce (that meant to mimic blood) with the message, “Will you be next?” on the underside of the parchment is a signature, of sorts. NMS.
Another the other poster had countered with a message of peace. It’s peace sign in the centre of the poster highlights it’s true message. The words, haunt me.
They came for the wolves
And I stayed silent (the silent was crossed out on the poster)
Then they came for the veela and the goblins…
And still I said nothing
After that, the muggleborns and the half bloods…
It doesn’t stop with just one…
We already fought a war against it.
Let’s not let it happen again
History, muggle and magical have a nasty habit of repeating themselves, and too many times in the world’s history people have seen things go wrong. Deadly even, but failed to say anything. Where does the madness end? In the end of it all, it doesn’t matter if you are cursed to be a werewolf, born with veela or goblin blood in your family tree, or what your family tree looks like. Now is not the time to fall silent and let our classmates. They have stood beside us, laughed with us, and cried with us. They are family-whether we like it or not. Do not let the hatred destroy the friendships and relationships we have.
Last night, two new posters appeared in our halls. The first is a mocking of the Full moon crossed out posters. They have taken the moon phases but instead of the full moon being crossed out with red ink, the new moon is crossed out. The moon phases are faded out and overlaid with a painting of a werewolf. The words taught the NMS with almost cruel intent. The time is nigh as the zenith rises the darkness cause to hold you tight. We are the wolves who roman these halls with bated breath. We watch you. The second simple reads, Not Only “Monsters” with the overlay of a handprint and a paw print together. The warnings are clear. The wolves are tired of being targeted and voiceless. They seem to be preparing to fight back. And the monsters are not just the ones we hear about, but are also hidden behind smiling lips.