Maybe today you will look over at the House Points Hourglasses and notice a distinct difference between yesterday morning and this. Maybe you’ll wonder why there’s an undercurrent running through the student and staff populus. Or maybe you will wonder what caused the demented screams in the lower realms of the castle yesterday afternoon.
Lies, discord and apparently cupcakes.
Ministry Allied Professor Knotts was disgruntled. A cupcake was missing and she felt a house elf was to blame. Said cupcake is yet to be located but that’s hardly the crux of the matter. Her disgruntled nature alerted both students and staff who congregated, obviously expecting a show.
Wands were drawn and Knotts went down by the hand of a member of staff. It was not entirely unexpected that both students and rebelled against the actions of a woman desperate for a cupcake, but there was barely an undercurrent of fear when Professor Leech arrived and ordered each and every student present to put their back to the wall or learn what happened if they were to disobey.
A silver tongued serpent hissed the truth at the crowds and there was defiance. Only a handful of students obeyed and students were felled, every student that disobeyed was frozen in place with a full body bind curse. Boggs appeared as if from nowhere aiming curses, spells and jinxes at the professors and then there was a sudden crash.
The door burnt down which could mean only one, stuttering, pyromania laced person. Ironhand. What followed through the burning, smoking wreck that was once the door was Acting-Headmistress Dorchester herself.
If things could get any worse than this I would be surprised, and yet they did. 50 points removed per student who disobeyed the instructions they were given and phase 2 to begin.
What is phase 2 though? We all wondered to ourselves. ‘To exterminate the seeds of dissent’ said Acting-Headmistress Dorchester. ‘Processing’ if Leech’s words made any further sense. Tighter rules? No inter-house fraternisation? Expulsion? Tighter curfew? I can only imagine the worst.
Yet only a month ago I wrote publicly that a whisper can sometimes be louder than a shout. You have all shouted and nothing has changed, the change that comes can only be worse. Maybe turn your words to whispers.
Despite the Ministry being largely unaware of the current happenings at Hogwarts, and maybe your parents approve of what they think is new discipline, unfortunately mine do not. Mine plan to collect me this coming Sunday. Maybe if more students wrote home then we’d see fewer students from one class to the next. Or maybe they approve of burnings, hexes and unreturned wands.
I hope I can return, that my departure is not long but until then; keep reading. Read between the lines.. Sniff out the injustice. And listen.. Atune yourself to what isn’t said.