by Saffron Foxclaw
Your reporter as usual is none other than the beautiful Saffron Foxclaw. Fresh faced today, as she gets her flawless skin ready for the winter ball, her shoulder-length hair framing her beauty elegantly. Maybe longer hair was a better choice for her?
Your writer digresses slightly; Tuesday, 1pm. Astronomy class and young Eric Hyland ran into the classroom declaring a wolf was roaming the halls of Hogwarts. Professor Priaulx could not be swayed and your reporter rushed her end of term exam and hurried to investigate.
What awaited your reporter was a scene of blood, confusion… and a wolf. Miss Rita Grey was, yet again, in the thick of it but this time a wolf’s jaw was clamped upon her leg. Macauley of Gryffindor was his usual charming self, though, this time it seemed he was either concussed or cursed, needless to say his dialogue throughout cannot be wholly repeated. Following a well needed reversal spell by your reporter, the wolf was none other than Miss Lyra Arcand. Professor Priaulx seemed to have changed her mind and, with some well worded threats, the trio and your reporter were duly sent to the hospital wing.
Macauley refused to comment for the Owl Post; his conditions for interview, your reporter felt, were too ludicrous and also, cannot be printed.
Mister Hyland, however, was more than willing. Despite the fact he only witnessed the wolf and raised the alarm I asked him if he spotted anything, or anyone, of interest.
“I was just coming from the common room, and then there were loads of people bumping into me and one of them almost knocked my book out of my hands and when I looked up, there was a wolf slinking around the landing.”
When pressed about potential perpetrators, I was told that no one really stood out and
“I didn’t look very long though, I ran away to find a professor to help.”
After camping out outside the dungeons your effortlessly attractive reporter managed to pin down Miss Grey for a few questions.
When quizzed about what happened she told me;
“Nobody turned her. She turned herself because she’s a filthy beast that does not belong here”
Considering the fact your reporter herself used a failed-transfiguration reversal spell to end the events, she had not transformed. Miss Grey continued to cast various accusations that the Ministry had attempted to arrest Miss Arcand in Brighton Bay over summer, and also that Miss Arcand had previously threatened to bite her… It would be interesting to find if there is any truth in this.
Despite Miss Grey also accusing Macauley of jinxing himself to implicate another, I postulated the potential that Miss Arcand could have been going for him, this reporter wouldn’t blame her after what she heard (again, unable to be printed).
Another strong set of accusations followed on with Rita telling me why this was not a possible theory;
“Because he likes that beast. That’s why and I bet you he was in on it. Was it not suspicious how they both ran away?”
Indeed Miss Arcand and Macauley did seem reluctant to speak to Professor Priaulx.
On a final note the ever talented Philomena Pest came up in conversation; during the unveiling of the new broomstick during last Hogsmeade weekend, Ms Pest was seen speaking to a Ministry Official with Rita heavily implying it was regarding Lyra…
A shame Macauley didn’t want to speak to the Owl Post, at least Miss Arcand has a chance to defend herself.
In the softest of autumnal tones, your reporter located Miss Arcand in her usual haunting spot. It wasn’t difficult getting answers out of Lyra.
“She’s a liar. Macauley was Mimble-Wimbled by her to not speak of what happened. Someone transfigured me into a wolf, an older student considering the spell. I had my back turned on the grand staircase when it happened. Next thing I remember is being myself again on the bottom floor with George and Rita … The last person I remember seeing before I was transfigured, was Helena Arlet. I was attacked when I got up to leave after she sat down behind me.”
Another interesting twist.. she was given a note; “T.B.H.S” was all that was written upon it. Another Ravenclaw attack maybe? Unfortunately the decorating of trees interrupted our chat and the questions regarding the Ministry will have to wait another day.
Until Next Time…