Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
Rumour has it that Dante boy from 5th year is simping on three or four girls at the same time.
A certain Gryffindor has been pulling pranks that are starting to escalate. The last one nearly caused harm to a first year!
One of the first years opened the box and made a mess because they ENJOY it when others use scourgify on them.
A 3rd year lion soaked a 1st year snake with a spell in the courtyard after mythology class.
RHI That a certain Hufflepuff has it out for someone! Who? No one knows!
Someone told me a prefect got caught falling asleep in class and everyone had to walk laps around the room.
Rumour has it a certain Badger spends more time in the castle grounds up to her elbows in dirt than actually IN the castle
One of the new [editor note: he’s not new] professors challenged Bonnie Nishi to a duel. I heard they are going to do it during first dueling club meeting to start off the year with a literal bang!
Some kids were keeping track of who could make the most tree puns in divs and had a 5 galleons bet for the ‘winner’ of their game.
It seems the One eyed Snake prefect has grown a fondness for She-devil Huffle Prefects
Brianwood tried to bribe the Dragonology professor at start of the Astronomy class that she was covering, and THEN called the class boring.
A certain professor likes to wander the staff lounge in their animagus form. I heard one of the new professors almost cast a hex when they transfigured themselves back to a human in the middle of the room to do introductions.
I heard one of the snakes tried to start a food fight in transfig!!
Got your own gossip to spread and muck to rake? Drop us an owl!