I was hoping to do this all in one article but things happened and I want to get this part out asap so keep an eye out for part two! Which will have more back history to it.
OK SO. We all know about how mirrors keep being found broken and now nearly every mirror is covered up. And people want to know why. And we know some of our friends are now acting off, and people also want to know why.
I don’t have all the details about the mirror’s history yet. I need to talk to Professor Moxima first and he was unable to make the meeting with him today. That’s what will come in part two! But Basically, a very long time ago Merlin made some magic mirrors to protect something extremely powerful. And somehow those mirrors got placed about the castle and some of our friends touched them.
When they touched them, even just an accidental brush, they got sucked into a magical dimension and they are still in it now. But when they stepped in, a small part of them stepped back out. A Mirror version of them but with all of the same thoughts, memories, and emotions as the one that stepped in. Apart from a few small changes in personality, And they know they are a mirror reflection of the person that stepped inside, because they have a job to do. To protect the artifact. But other than that, They are exactly the same as the person inside the mirror. From my understanding this Mirror shard double thing happens so that no one would go looking for the person inside who is now protecting the item and find the item as well.
And this has been going on since the Darkness in October. So there’s a good number of them now. I am not going to be saying how many or who all it is as many have not been figured out yet by most people and they want it to stay that way.
They did not ask to be created.
They are not dangerous.
They did not “steal” anything from anyone.
They have thoughts and feelings and emotions.
They did what they did to protect the item hidden by Merlin.
They do not know anything about what exactly is going on in the world in the mirror. Or that people could get out.
And until recently everyone thought they were the person that stepped into the mirrors.
And right now they are TERRIFIED.
Why? Because stuff is happening in the mirror world that is bringing it to an end. And that means that we have to get the Mirror versions to meet up with the other versions in front of the magic mirrors. Or they will die. When the meet up happens somehow they will communicate with each other and eventually they will merge and there will be one person whole again. But not with both memories. They have to choose whos memories to keep. The memories of the mirror world. Or the memories of out here in the castle. We’ve learned this as a few people have gotten out. And because they got out the wrong way, it made things worse inside the mirror.
And to the mirror folk, they feel this is the same as being Killed. As the ones I’ve talked to all feel that the Mirror world memories will be the ones kept. We have no way to really know which memories will stay though. Not until the merge happens. But they are still terrified of facing what they feel is going to be their death.
And now some people are treating them like they are worthless, not real, and even trying to hurt them! Which is just wrong. They still have the same feelings as the people they broke off from.
And if you’re treating them like that and they keep the memories of the time spent in castle? Well guess what. They’ll know what you did, how you treated them, and you likely will lose the friendship with them when the merge happens. Many are also writing notes to tell the person in the mirror what happened while they were in the mirror, And so they’d STILL know how you treated their alter self. And you still may lose that friendship. So let’s stop, ok?
And now for something very important
If the mirror versions die or are not there on the day that the merge is to happen. The other version is trapped in the mirror and will die. And likely the mirror version as well if they are still alive just not able to get to the meeting. And this is why ALL the mirrors are covered . Because if they look in a normal one they will get sucked back into the mirror world. But if their other half is not ALSO there something bad happens when they come out. And from my understanding the Mirror world becomes more and more destabilized the more people that come out without both halves meeting. And that takes the mirrors Merlin made.
And we’d rather everyone come out safely before it’s gone all together. So keep the mirrors covered! Don’t go flashing mirrors to people anymore to see if they are the “real one” or not! Just let them have this time! Everything will be set to rights at the proper time.
Just be.. Kind to one another for a change.
If you’re gonna be mean to anyone, find a painting of Merlin and be mean to that. Talk all the bad things you want about him and how this way of protecting his item was EXTREMELY stupid and he’s..pardon this Headmistress, An Asshole. And we should probably stop using his name like he was some kind of beneficial god wizard. He’s an asshole instead.