By: Isobel Argo
For the past 11 years, the world you knew didn’t contain magic, as far as you knew magic was in stories, and then *BOOM* You get an owl at your door with a letter in its cute claw inviting you to a school for wixen where magic is real! Today we’re going to cover a few things they don’t teach you in muggle school and help ease some of those firstie fears. How do I do my laundry? How do I get food and snacks and drinks? Why are the grounds dangerous? Why do the staircases move? All these things that are common to magical-born students seem scary and weird to those not born into magic, but fear not! I’ve got answers to your burning questions.
Q: How do I do my laundry?
A: You don’t! Not on your own at least. Hogwarts is home to many happily employed house elves who enjoy taking care of things. They are the ones washing your stinky socks and uniforms and fixing your food! They also clean the castle!
Q: House Elves??
A: Yes! House elves are small in stature but very amazing! Did you know house elves have their own magic? Now, no need to fret that the house elves are slaves. We are long past that barbarity here at Hogwarts. The house elves here are gainfully employed with the option to make their own work schedules, earn a wage, and take time off as they wish. They also outnumber us, so if they didn’t want to be here, nothing would keep them here.
Q: Why did that staircase move????
A: Magic! The staircases move as a means of magical security. Not against the students of course but, before our time when wixen were not liked, we needed security measures to keep those who would be harmful to the students out. Charms, moving staircases, and even suits of armor that can come to life if the headmistress wishes! It also keeps you on your toes! CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
Q: My cell doesn’t work! How can I text my friends?
A: Sorry, Magic and electricity don’t mix well. It’s why we have gas baths, gas lights, and the like. Electricity just… doesn’t work well around Magic.
Q: AHHH! That painting talked to me!
A: Yes! The paintings in Hogwarts are kind of an echo of the person they are painted of. They are imbued with magic so that a bit of that person stays with us, even after they are gone, imparting important wisdom, or allowing family to speak to a long gone relation.
Q: Potions? Charms? Transfiguration? Where’s the Math, Science and History?
A: This one always makes me smile. See… Muggle math, science, and history are also taught alongside our course work here, just not in a way you’d recognize it. Need 1 oz of ground-up snake fang? Gotta use math to know how to weigh it, and science to recognize it. History? Well, we have history of magic but we also learn history behind things in DADA, COMC, Herbology, Potions, and all our classes.
Q: What do I do if I need help?
A: Help will always be available to those who seek it. Just ask an elder student, professor, librarian, or anyone. If you ask for help, you will receive it. But you have to be willing to ask.