Heyo, Hogwartians! How’s it going? Getting that Winter Ball outfit together already? That’s nice, but perhaps the best accessory to tie the whole look together is a little arm candy, know what I’m saying?
As the Winter Ball approaches, more and more of us are considering the prospect of asking someone on a date. But where, and when, and most importantly WHO? There’s not a whole lot of time left to figure it out but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Thanks to the much needed support of Professor Priaulx, I’m able to bring a glorious return to –you guessed it– Spark Club!
Now for those of you new to school this year, one might wonder, what’s Talula on about? Well, Spark Club is my little brainchild, where I send out questionnaires to the school, and with the answers I receive, I match people up! We all meet at a mingle (date still to be determined) and you’ll get the opportunity to meet three matches in three rounds. And no, there’s no pressure for you to find a date in particular; lots of people ask for friends, study buddies, even Quackers targets, but we probably shouldn’t get into that, yeah (looking at you Tom Morgan)?
Now, I’ve got a bit of a partnership worked out with the Owl Post (clearly) but it doesn’t stop with advertising, does it? This year we’re putting your answers to WORK, so it doesn’t stop with the mingle! I hear someone’s got designs to try their hand at matching too, throwing a bit of divinations and arithmancy into the mix, so we’re going to dress up the quiz some this year to include useful details to aid with that project as well.
Additionally, I want you to know that you HAVE been heard, Spark Clubbers from last year! The quiz will be getting a glow up, and I’m asking for your input on it! Now this is kind of short notice, but I figure, if you’ve got something urgent to ask, you’ll throw it my way ASAP, yeah? So if there’s a question you want included on the questionnaire this year, please owl Talula Shippe no later than December first with your suggestion.
I look forward to hearing from you! The amended quiz will be released by next weekend, so get ready peoples! Spark Club is coming back!