Situational Spellwork
By Alison Bailes
Have you ever been in a situation and didn’t know what spell to use to get out of it?
Ever worried something horrible might happen and didn’t know what you’d do if it did?
Having trouble imagining the horrors that might await you as a Triwizard Tournament champion?
No fear! Situational Spellwork is here!
Imagine this…
You’ve made it to the library.
After losing yourself in the pages of many different books you are informed by the librarian that the library will be closing shortly, and that curfew is about to begin. There are so many great books you’ve found during your visit and you really aren’t done reading them. Upon asking the librarian if you can take some of the books back with you to your dorm, she graciously allows it.
In fact!
She is so amazing she comments you can take as many books with you as you can carry!
Of course, this is an extremely exciting prospect. As you begin packing books into your arms you shortly come to realize you cannot actually carry all that much. This is very disappointing. As you start to determine which of the books you really /can’t/ go back to the dorms without, you realize there are still more you want than you can physically carry.
They are just too heavy!
But wait! It’s not over yet! You’re a wixen! You’ve got magic!
If you’re anything like me, you will likely determine that you just refuse to leave a single book behind. In that case, I suggest you pull out your overly large bag and load it full of books. I’m assuming, of course, that we all carry very large bags in our knapsacks for just such an occasion.
Once all of the books have been carefully loaded. Pull out your wand and call out:
Gravitas Penna, more commonly known as the feather-light charm, will make those books super easy to carry. Proudly present your haul to the librarian and safely make your way to your dorms where you may commence the reading of said books.
Please keep in mind that it is particularly important that you remain focused during your travel. I’d hate for you to become distracted and your books to suddenly become very heavy and you fall off the steps.
But if you do, just remember to “arresto momentum”.
Have a situation for Situational Spellworks to spell our way out of?
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