Rumour Has It is for the sharp tongued among us, and the people who claim to deplore gossip, but secretly read it all the same.
Confessions, rumours or Questions can be given to our friendly messenger owl that loiters outside The Great Hall, he takes any messages to The Owl Post, just have a few owl nuts handy!
- I’ve never seen anyone dither over their letters home like that fifth year. She was at the desk in the Hufflepuff common room for an hour — and when I snuck a look, it looked like she’d written an entire parchment about breakfast?
- A group of first years touched Edna and ended up in the hospital wing!
- Rumor has it professor Riley Howls at the moon
- I saw a fifth year pick a fight with a Chinese Chomping Cabbage in herbology today. He slapped it across the face before stealing it’s carrot-y snack!
- A certain Badger Quidditch Power Couple seems to have broken up. Have ya seen the awkward glances in the halls?
- Did you see that couple at the Hearty Party? Talk about a match made in hell. Who told them they looked good together?
- I swear I saw two prefects snogging in the clocktower last night after curfew!!!
- What was I doing out of curfew? None of your business!
- I can’t believe a certain Hufflepuff thought what she wore to the Hearty Party actually looked good.
- Merlin, I mistook that Gryffindor for a first year again. Who let that into the Hearty Party!?
- Two professors sittin’ in a tree- S-N-O-G-G-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes the Librarian with a cane screaming at them to stop snogging in the second floor of the library
- I heard Slytherin is using Broom Enhancing Potions! ! ! I swear! I saw their captain and co-captain plotting something in a dark corner near the quidditch pitch– Huh? What do you mean they were probably just snogging?
- Why in Merlin’s name does that Hufflepuff smell of garlic?
- Wait, so a certain Hufflepuff Stunner single now? Sweet.
- I hear Professor Galagher is turning the Ravenclaws into actual eagles when they annoy her! I swear I heard one of their prefects’ voice coming from a giant half bird monster in the great hall!
- I didn’t realize a bouncing bulb could bounce you right into the infirmary wing- did you see the black eyes on some of the others coming out of Herbology class?